Thursday, August 11, 2011

Single Digits!!!!!

Only 9 more days until I get to marry my best friend in the whole wide did I get so lucky?? He is so stinkin amazing, funny, handsome, charming, and wonderful! I feel like I am so unproductive because all I can think of is him and how excited I am to marry him!
I never thought I would be the girl who is pathetically in love, but I have to admit its getting the best of me...
Wedding plans are almost all finished(thank goodness) and next week all my friends and family come into town!!! I cant wait to see everyone!! Its gonna be a good week, with the best ending:)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Coming Soon...Rachel Coons!

Well. I think it's about time I write an update on what is going in my life and how my plans have done a complete 360. I owe it all to one person. Bradley Coons:). Here's the story:

Starting in January of this year I decided I wanted to go on a mission. I prayed a lot about it and decided it was what I wanted to do and I knew that the Lord would support me in my decision. I completed my papers and received my call on March 9th to serve in the Sau Paulo Interlagos Brazil mission and would report to the MTC on August 3rd. (Which turns out to be the same mission my dad served in...but dont worry, he's happy about me getting married:)) I was ecstatic about my call and could not wait to serve the Lord and preach the gospel in Brazil. Coincidentally on that same day, March 9th my best friend Brad Coons returned from his mission in Australia... We had been best friends since my family moved to Danville, CA my freshman year of high school. Throughout high school I always secretly had a huge crush on him but we never dated and so I wasnt expecting anything when he got home. About 2 hours after I opened my call I get a phone call from Brad and we talked on the phone for a while. It was amazing how easy it was to talk to him and how nothing had changed. We were still best friends. Little did I know that the next couple months would be the craziest/happiest time of my life.

To make long story short, he decided to come up to Provo the last couple weeks of the winter semester which turned out to be a great idea because we started dating on April 3rd. At first it was a little rough trying to change from being best friends to dating each other, but over time it has been great that we know each other so well. Because he has been my best friend for 6+ years I trust him with anything. After winter semester I decided to go home for the spring semester while he stayed out to take some classes. The distance stunk, but it really made us realize how much we care for each other. I realized I never want to live without him. We got engaged the day he got home on June 17th:)

Its all been a whirlwind of decisions and planning, but I know that this is the right decision. We will be getting married on August 20th and then heading back to good ol' provo for the fall:) I cant wait to spend the rest of eternity with Brad. I absolutely adore his whole family and I cant wait to become a Coons in 1 month!

Friday, June 10, 2011


Someone make me these

....ok thanks

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Me and Forest Gump Would Get Along

A lot of people have been asking me about my recent obsession with running and how I got here. I really believe that ANYONE can become a runner. If I did it anyone can. I used to HATE running and always thought people who ran marathons were crazy, but I've seen the light, been converted, and I will never go back.

Yes. There was pain. In the initial runs I got blisters, muscles soreness, and my toenail fell off...gross. I know. But now I run more than I ever have and I dont get any of these things!

Here are some of the things that helped me love running:

1. Read the book Born To Run. It's inspirational. My sister and I have always had a blood oath with each other that we would never run a marathon. You read this book and want to go run 10 miles. Literally. It happened to me. Basically the book taught me the only thing not making me not run was my mental incapacities.

2. Start small. You can't expect to run a marathon or any crazy distance unless you train. A long time. Sometimes I get impatient with my body, but you just have to remember the end goal and stick to it. Some days stunk. Some days were awesome. Expect to have both, but just keep running. When you do feel the pain, that's where you need the mental strength to keep you going.

3. Pick a race date and sign up. Make sure you have time to train. Running is fun. Running in races is amazing. The energy and excitement on race day will make you never want to stop.

4. Download some podcasts. This was my lifesaver. I listened to endless hours of the podcast "how stuff works". I am now full of tons of useless knowledge...but it gave me something to get my mind off the hard miles:)

5. Set a schedule and stick to it. You can look up different schedules on google depending on what race you want to run. I adjusted mine to make it work for me.

6. Eat healthy. It changes your runs. It changes your body. It changes your life.

So I finished my first marathon last month and I still love running! I definitely want to do another, but right now I am just enjoying running for fun. I run about 10 miles 3 times a week, something I never thought possible for my body...but it is! Try it! Go out and run today, just for fun, and see how you feel. If you want someone to get way too excited about your new running craze just talk to me. I would be glad to tell you how awesome you are and how much you are going to change your life:)

Thursday, May 26, 2011

"4 years old! 4 years old!"

This past week I have been nannying for a family in my ward whose parents went to Italy for 12 days. It has been a blast. I dont have many friends home, so I've made knew ones...they are a 13 and 9 year olds...

You might think im super pathetic, but there are many perks of hanging out with girls that are a decade younger than you. They are: 1)I get to hear all the middle school drama and dont have to stress about it. 2)I am ALWAYS the coolest one there just because I am so much older and "wiser"...they have no idea that I am actually kinda weird. 3)I get to be boy crazy again and it's totally normal 4)Best of all, I get to listen to as much Justin Beiber as I could ever imagine (I might have to purge myself from him for a while after this week.)

In New Zealand my friend and I always got made fun of for acting like we were 4 years old...I am now coming to grips with the fact that that might actually be true:)

Monday, May 23, 2011

Nature Calls

I have this thing about the outdoors...we have a very intimate relationship. I'm not one of those "interesting" people that only wear chacos and Patagonia, but I definitely consider myself "outdoorsy". One of my favorite places to go is up on a mountain near my house to a place called Rock City. It's only a 25 minute drive from my house and it's oh so beautiful. There are rocks like these everywhere that people can climb on:

What is there not to love? If you haven't tried loving nature, you should probs give it a try...

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

My Sister is Famous...and I love Rugby

Click here to see why

I decided at the beginning of winter semester to not continue playing rugby and a lot of people ask me if it's hard to see my team make it this far and not be on it. Honestly. I still love rugby but I will never regret the decision to quit. BUT, you better believe I will be the loudest fan on the sideline Friday and Saturday. Bring. It. On. Penn. State.